After we were done at the Zoo we went to a park for lunch and let the kids play and run around. We had beautiful weather and a great afternoon. The next day my Mom and I painted my kitchen. My poor kitchen had been sadly neglected while the other rooms in the house got all the attention! We painted a red around the bottom and a lighter tanish/peachy color and also put in a chair rail, which I cut by myself-I am kinda proud about that!! I wanted to decorate in americana style so my mom brought out all her extra americana stuff (and she has alot) for me to pick and choose from. Thank you tons Mom!!! We also used her cricut, which I totally have to get now, to do some lettering on the wall. It says "Land of the free and the home of the brave". I think it turned out completly wonderful!
So we got all that done in time for the boys to come back and dump all the camoing stuff all over!! It really wasen't all that bad. Then we have some friends at church who have a brother who has a corn field that he grows for himself and his neighbors and from the extra you can go get all that you want. Jenny and Bill, my in-laws, got a truck load and so my mom and I got about 25 dozen ears of corn to make frezzer corn. It was ALOT of corn! All together it took like 2 hours to get it all shucked and cut. So lets just say that this year my mom will really appreciate what goes into making the corn when she eats it this year!!!
We let Abby and Dylan help alittle and it was so funny because every ear that got done Dylan would yell "corn its corn!" It was like he was suprised everytime! It was way funny!
So we had fun during our visit and Abby kept asking why granda had to go and saying that her house was too far way. It was really cute. I am really greatful that the kids get to see and spend time with my parents as much as they do!