Well the day finally came! I went out with a bunch of girls for a Girls Night out! It was so much fun! There were eight of us who had dinner at the Texas Roadhouse-which one of my total favs! Just can't get enough of the rolls, those of you who have been know what I am talking about! I was in charge of getting the table and ended up sitting at a huge table by myself for like 20-25 minutes till everyone got there! When I called for call ahead seating they said that I should get there as soon as possible for a group that size so I was just down the street and thought I would be able to go check in and get a buzzer thing and be good to go. So I get there and they are like well we have a table open if you want it-so I was like well if you don't mind me sitting there for 20 minutes by myself then I will take it so there I sat! The timing worked out great after everyone got there we ordered, ate, and went over to the theater, everyone had pre-bought tickets so we just walked right into the theater! Looking around at how packed the theater was my friend said it best I think! She said "I don't think I have ever been in a theater with so many girls!"! It was pretty funny to listen to all the teenage girls while watching the movie!
I of course loved the movie! It was filmed at little weird, I would have rather seen it filmed with a still camera but I can't change that! Then you have to remember that is was a huge book and they can't possible make the movie exactly like the book! And it is really hard to go from a first person pov in the book and try to put it into a movie! There are some things that i wish they they had kept the same like Bella escaping Alice and Jasper at the Airport, I liked that part. And I thought they needed to develop the bond between Bella and Edward alittle better-it moved from "hi" to "your a vampire" to "i love you and i will die for you" alittle fast, and I thought they could have done more on Alice's visions and Jasper's mood control! But hey you can't have everything right! It is one persons view and take on the book!
I did totally love when Edward to Bella to his house-that was so funny! And while Emmit didn't look quite like I pictures him he did portray him like I thought he should be! I also liked the part when Bella brought Edward home to meet Charlie! So I will totally be buying it when it comes out and totally waiting for the next one!
1 comment:
I definitely agree with your assessment of the movie. In our theater, there was an audible gasp when Jacob was first seen and applause at Edward's entrance. And lots of giggling by all the girls. Funny.
I liked it more than I thought I would, but I also missed a few things from the book: the girls' choice dance, the airport scene, more when she figures out what he is etc. And the only thing I thought was cheesy was sparkly Edward. What did you think of that? My husband thought he should've reflected a lot more, I thought it was a little overdone with the chime-y music...
I thought the dads were hilarious. I could go on an on. We'll have to email so we can compare more notes!
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