Saturday, December 14, 2013

Family Pics!

Bill and Jenny moved down to AZ but we arent talking about that cuz its stupid.  But she did ask me to take family pictures of her kids to she would have some up to date pics.  So of course I told her I would.  It was really fun.  It was the first time I was taking family pics of someone else.  They all turned out pretty good if I do say so myself but I am not go to post everyone elses, just ours! 
 I love this one of Lacey-I dont know really why but I just do.
These ones were just were I was trying to figure out which postion would work best with where the sun was. 
And these were the kids just messing around waiting for everyone else to get there!
 These two were my favs. 
 Then we let the kids play at the park because they were really good and patient while we were taking the other pics.  I had to throw this pic of Lacey because it shows her purple shoes!  That girl has to have something purple on every day!  It is so funny!
 I tried to get a fun one of Dylan at the park but he never stays still enough or is facing the right way for me to get one!---the little stinker!

Nauvoo Time!

This year our Anniversary fell on a saturday which just happen to be the day of the youth temple trip so we packed up the kids and headed to Nauvoo!  It was so much fun.  Bryan and I went and did a session in the Temple with some friends while their children watch ours.  It was awesome!  It was really fun to be there on our actual anniversary at almost the same time we got sealed 11 years earlier!  It was the first time we were able to go back on our actual anniversary day!  Anyway after we got done we hung out with Bryan and our friends while we waited for the youth to show up and them they all went to the temple.  Bryan got to go help so I was able to spend some quality time with my sweet kids!
We went and got fudge and went to the park and then after some begging we walked over the huge hill in front of the Temple and they got to roll down the hill!  They had a blast!  Then we went on a walk down to Old Nauvoo. 
There weren't many people touring the houses so alot of the Missionaries were sitting outside and talking.  It was fun to see them all.  At one house there was an Elder sitting outside playing hymns on his guitar.  So the kids went up and asked him to play a couple songs and then sang along with him.  It was really awesome!
It was a long, long, long walk.  And I carried Colby a huge chunk of the time, but I had to make him walk some of the way!  By the time we made it back to the top of the hill Colby refused to walk anymore!  He just stopped and started crying and saying "I know walk more mom.  I stay.  You hold me mom?"  I felt bad for him but it was so funny!
 Bryan had just gotten done when we got back so he took pity on Colby and walked out to pick him up!

Cheer Time!

Once again its time for the Spirit Clinic!  Lacey was excited because she got to go this year.  She and Abby totally loved it and are both set on being cheerleaders now.
Abby was super excited she was a "flyer" and got to do little stunts.  This was the first year they did that and she loved it! (its blurry but my camera wasnt liking the lighting so that made it hard!)
 This year they also started a Dance Team at the High School so they taught a little dance to the girls along with the cheers and they got to perform it on the field at half-time.  So yes now they want to do Dance Team too.

For the love of cows

I went to check on the kids one night and found Lacey like this.  Man this girl loves her cows!!  For Christmas she has asked for 4 new cows.  yeah I dont know if that will happen cow stuff is so hard to find!

At the park!

So I have been such a bad blogger this year!  Sorry Mom!  anyway I am going to catch up so I can end the year caught up plus Bryan is in India and China till the 22nd so I have to find things to keep myself busy!
Anyway way back before school started I took the kids for one last summer trip to the Putnam Museum.  They totally love it there.  Just down the street they have a little park.  It used to have a small zoo with it but they have closed that.  It is more like a sensory garden place.  It was our first time over there and the kids loved it!
 Who doesn't like a huge Mother Goose right?!