Well I guess I lied about not posting anything!!! But it's Lacey's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Lace!! It has been an awesome day for me, my mother-in-law came and got Abby, Dylan and Lacey (abby didn't have school) so they could hang out with her-so I was able to take a shower uninterrupted!!, got most of the house clean and Lacey's cupcakes made so that was very cool. The kids got to play with Nana and help make Opening Day cookies. Opening Day is when Jenny (Bryan's mom) gets to start listening to Christmas music. Yep you heard me right-she is alittle on the obsessed side of things when it comes to Christmas! She makes special Santa cookies and goes around delivering them and you have to sing a Christmas carol to get them!! So anyway she was excited for Lacey to be an Opening Day Baby and is determined to one day have a Christmas birthday party for her! But if you ask me it wont happen because Christmas stuff starts after Thanksgiving!!! She thinks she will convert me one of theses days! She is so funny!
So anyway Lacey will always celebrate Christmas and Halloween on her Birthday-poor thing! Here are some pics of Lacey-her birthday party is tomorrow so that will be fun-she is having a Tinker Bell party-----again-----for the 3rd year in a row. I am really hoping that we can talk her into something else next year!!

absolutely LOVE the pics of lacey!! Happy Birthday and we love you!! Camma and Campa!!!!!
Hi allison,
found your blog through sugardoodle. our very large primary is about to the sacrament meeting program. We LOVED your survivor idea. Wondering if you had any additional details to share or documents we could use? I know it was a few years ago, but it doesn't hurt to ask! thank you so much.
san clemente, ca
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