Sometimes I feel like all I do is post stuff about Abby! but she is the only one who is doing extra stuff right now! I guess it will even out this next year with Dylan starting school! So anyway Abby had her spring recital. She was so excited that she got to dance on both nights! I volunteered on Friday night for level 1 classes. Oh my gosh was that crazy busy!! Trying to get the right girls in the right costume with all the right accessories at the right time! Totally crazy especially when there were over 40 level 1 girls.

Tina, the owner of the Studio does this thing before the show where she gathers all the girls and gives them a little pep talk-she ends with "what do you do if your hair falls out?" the girls "keep dancing" "what do you do if your shoe comes off?" "keep dancing"-its pretty cute.

Then my parents came in to surprise Abby because she had asked them earlier to come to her recital. How could they say no?! She totally love having both sets of grandparents there to watch her.

She got a little spoiled this year with flowers and a stuffed animal! She has grown so much as a dancer this past year. She doesn't watch all the other girls to see if she is doing the right move and she has gotten so graceful. It has really been fun to watch her! This year all the ballet classes combined to do a whole Beatles medley. Each class did a dance then they all came out to end with about 80 dancers on the stage. This first clip is Abby's classes dance. This is from the rehearsal-she got a little nervous and got a little mixed up at the end but did awesome when it came time for the real thing!
This is the rest of it. It was really awesome! the video is giving me trouble so I am trying to upload it seperatly-we will see how that goes!

oh and I do have to say that all the mom's were jealous of Abby's hair because her hair was so easy to put in the required "messy buns"! Almost everyone else that has full buns have fake hair. So for once her curly madness pays off!!
That's such a cute video. I never danced but I remember my sister doing it. They're so funny at that age.
Abby looks so adorable, she is one cute little dancer!
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