Friday, June 25, 2010

Can You Say "Excited"?!!!

Well I am officially announcing the coming arrival of one more Stoker baby!! Baby number 4 is one its way! I am 21 weeks and we found out today that it is a boy!! Wahooo!!! I am very excited that it is not a girl-that may sound mean and I love my 2 girls but they are very intense about ohhhh everything! Now we will have 2 of each and as Abby said as she danced around the room after we told her it was a boy "It's equal! It's equal! It's equal!!!" She was very happy that we would have the same number of boys and girls in the family!! The pic is blurry but will just have to do for now!!


Nicole said...

Congratulations! That's such exciting news :)

Campbell Family said...

Congratulations....good for you guys. That is awesome that you have 2 of each....I hope we can do that:)