Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To read or Not to read

I will probably get in trouble by my friend for this but oh well! I am supposed to be reading The Host but I still cant bring mtself to do it! Everyone tells me that I will love it and that it is awesome. But......the storyline kinda freaks me out! I have read the prologue but cant seem to make myself read anymore. I just dont want to not like it! I do have it sitting out where I see it all day long and it stares at me begging to be read. So while I am trying to talk myself in reading the Host I picked up City of Bones. The cover always seemed a little wierd to me but some friends recommended it and I have to say that I really like it! It caught my attention right away and I cant wait to read the other 2 in the series! So I will get around to reading the Host.......sometime........maybe.........totally before the movie comes out!!

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