Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lacey playing

I found Lacey playing in my room while I was running around cleaning and you guessed it-went and grabbed my camera! I did black and white pictures because the outfit she was wearing clashed horribly and if you know my I like everything to match!! It is really hard for me to let her pick her own clothes but I figure she can wear it around the house but I definitely get veto power when we go out in public!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Abby's seed project

Abby had to do a seed project to do for school and she was super excited!! We raided our house for what seeds we could find and then lucky for us her Papa had a seed drawer! She needed over 12 for the full 4 points for the "amount of seeds" part of the project-well she had way more than that to choose from! Then we had to come up with a fun way to display them. She didnt just want to put it on a poster board because that was "boring"! So I dug around in my craft stuff and found this wooden blind thing-and she loved it! So we put the names of the seeds on one side-she ended up with 18 I think because that was what there was space for and then the seeds on the other side. It has a little handle that flips the slats. Then of course we had to use some scrapbook paper to make it look cute! She was very happy with how it turned out. She said one of her friends was waiting to turn his in on the last day because he didnt want anyone to copy his idea and she looks at me with a smile and says "well I can turn mine in because there is noway anyone can copy my project!"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Colby is 1!!

(I know with this post and the 2 before it will probably put you on picture overload but there are just too many to choose from and I have a hard time editing myself!!)
Colby is 1! Man this year has gone by fast!! Colby started out on the rough side of things but man look at him now! You never guess he spent a week in the NICU with some unknown infection. He is just so much fun!
I dont know what it is but I just love babies sleeping in a t-shirt and a diaper-it is just so stinkin cute!
Colbys first time on the slide-wasnt too sure about it but didnt freak out till Bryan had the bright idea to put him down the tube slide where he screamed bloody murder-poor guy!
He got to have 2 parties this year-we had a big family party combined with Laceys birthday and then had Bryans parents over for dinner tonight for his actual birthday so the monkey cake was from the big party and the pumpkin pie was from tonight and I will say he got way more into the pie than he did the cake! So he might be getting pie every year instead of cake!
He is such an awesome little boy and he loves his mama! He will always give me kisses and hugs all day long. It just makes me so happy to see him growing and learning everyday and to just see his sweet smile. It just makes it that much more special knowing that it could have to quickly have been such a different story. I love this little guy!!


So our neighbor had a TON of leaves in thier yard! You couldn't even see the grass at all! so they blew them into a pile and let all the kids go at it! They had a fantastic time. They played for about an hour. Colby wasnt really into the leaves-he would barely touch them but I know he will be all over them next year! And yes we were still trying to get all the leaf pieces out of Abbys hair this morning before church!

Lacey is 4!!

Wow! Lacey made it 4! Or should I say WE made it to Lacey being 4! She is so much fun but made such a little pistol-I have no idea how all that personality fits into her little body! She is my little brown-eyed sweetheart.
Things I love about her: how she can be so sweet,
how she can flip from being "so angry" to smiles and laughter in the blink of an eye,
how she has always been able to make an adult feel completly stupid with just one side long scowl,
how sweet and thoughtful she is toward her sibling,
and the awesome hugs she gives!