Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Funny real fast!

I forgot to add this to either concert post and didnt want to go back and put it in because then I would have to rearrange all the pictures and this was just easier! I was asking Abby and Dylan what row they were standing in so I would have an idea of where to look for them. Dylan was in row 4 and Abby was in row 2. They line them up according to height so shortest in the front and tallest in the back. When Dylan said what row he was in Abby's mouth fell open and she screeched "WHAT?? Thats not fair! I am in row 2 and I am taller than you!" She was all mad (but still laughing!). So I explained to her that while she is taller than Dylan, for kids her age she was short and for kids Dylans age he is tall. And that she will probably always be in the front and Dylan will probably always be in the back-sorry but thats the way it is! She was all "oh man, thats so not fair!". Then I told her that more that likely she will be the shortest in the family so she should just get used to it! She thought that was funny, but I was being honest! I really do think she will be the shortest of all the kids!

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