Alright I know I have a lot of posting to do but first I have to give a majorly huge shout out to my awesome Dad who fixed my laptop and saved all my pictures when my hard drive decided to die!! Thanks so much Dad, love you tons!
So since I dont have anything posted since the end of school I have alot to do about summer!--Just kidding we didnt really do that much! But I am going to be done posting it all by wednesday, thats when Abby and Dylan start school!
So anyway I am starting with Abby and Lacey's spring recital! I think Lacey enjoyed taking a dance class although I think she needs something a little more physically demanding! She loved her teacher Miss Crystal and had fun dancing and being silly but could really care less about actually learning the dance! I had a cd with her music but man I couldnt get her to practice for anything!! The pics and videos for both girls are from the dress rehearsal since you are not allowed to take any during the actual recital.
Lacey actually did alot better on recital night although she had her tongue sticking out the whole time! I am just hoping it was was more of a concentration thing!
Abby took ballet and jazz this year. She wanted to try out jazz and I was a little hesitant because I know they sometimes do moves that arent age appropriate but I figured with only being level 1 that we would probably be safe and for the most part it was alright. The first day they were learning their routine they had to learn how to do chest pops and Abby came out and said "mom, that move is so inappropriate!" It was pretty funny. She never quite got it down because she wasnt really comfortable doing it and that is aright with me! Luckily she has other classes she wants to try this next year. She did good at rehearsal but she did way better on recital night-not so much looking around at other people to make sure she was doing the right moves!
This year the Ballet number was "The Help". I thought at first that it would be kinda fun but soon changed my mind. The younger girls dance is really short and they kinda get lost in the shuffle. It seems like more of a showcase for the older girls. So that is annoying and I dont really get the ending. It is kinda abrupt and weird. And I apologize now for the close up view of the video, I wanted to get it close so you could see Abby but to get the whole stage I would have had to stop the video and start again since my camera is stupid and wont let you use the zoom while filming-also super annoying!
ok well i guess blogger doesnt want to upload Abby's ballet video, I have tried like 20 times. So I will try again later but decided to go ahead and post this now.
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