It doesn't matter how much we put on his plate he won't eat it!! So he waits. When everyone has gotten how much they want he quietly grabs the bowl and chows down!!
Abby got her kindergarten shots today. I was really affraid to take her because Lacey had to get some too and she heard me when I made the appointment and started crying!! It gave me a flashback to when my little brother had to get his shots and he took off running down the hall and had to have a couple people hold him down!! Luckily Abby did awesome! She was really worried about getting the shots so we told her if she was really brave and did good than we could go get some ice cream. She was really brave and got 4 shots. She hardly cried at all and when they were putting on the band-aids she said "am I all done?"

She is very proud of her band-aids
And this is Lacey after her shots.
She also did way awesome but it totally wore her out!
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