Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lots of Music

Music plays a big part at our house. We have it on all the time. I am totally addicted to musicals, so we watch those alot and the kids love to sing and dance around when the songs come on! I justify letting myself watch them during the day by telling myself that I am giving the kids alittle culture!! Bryan doesn't really appreciate that particular genre so it is my responsibility to expose them to it right?!! Any Abby and Dylan like to go to sleep with music on. Usually the cd player in Abby's room is up on the dresser so the cds stay nice but since I have been painting it has been on her bed and she has been able to switch the cds and play whatever she wants to. Her favs include the soundtracks to Mulan, Little Mermaid, Lion King, Pocahontas, and Tinker Bell. The one she is currently addicted to is Sharing Time by InsideOut.
If you don't know who they are they are an a cappella group who are completely fantastic! She wakes up in the middle of the night to turn the music back on, it is pretty funny when it is all quiet and then all of a sudden you her "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"! Dylan is currently addicted to Disney's Hercules.
Seriously he is addicted! He watches it almost everyday and asks for it on the days he doesn't. He listens to the soundtrack at night! The other day he came up to me while it was on and said "mom, Bercules is a super Hero, he goes the distance"! It caught me off guard that had picked that out of the movie, I was like holy cow, he is really paying attention to what is said in the movie!
Lacey loves the TinkerBell movie soundtrack.
While she obviously doesn't sing with it whenever she she hears the chimes that start with the first song she smiles really big and starts dancing all around! It is really very cute!

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