The snow finally came! Although honestly I would be very happy if this is all we got for the rest of the winter but I know that that is really not a possibility! Anyway it has been super cold the last couple days and I have been totally out of it with my year bout of bronchitis so the kids haven't been able to go out to play. But today it was like 35 degrees so we got everyone dressed and headed outside! Of course Abby, Dylan and Lacey we all about it and had a great time. Colby on the other hand wasn't too sure about all that white stuff. He has already had 1 run in with it and wasn't too thrilled about it! I had gone out to warm up the car and didn't know he was leaning up against the screen door so I opened it and down he plopped. Right in the snow-he was not a happy little guy!!
Then they tore it down about 2 minutes later!
yeah we need to work on Abby's aim-she said she was going to throw it at my stomach-she tossed it-I was watching her through the camera and didn't see where she threw it-it smacked me right in the eye!!
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