Have you ever been looking at something really quick on the computer and heard a shout out by your daughter for you? I was checking my email and I hear Abby say "Mom! Lacey is eating white butter from the cooking stuff!" I was like what?!
Have you ever walked in to the kitchen to see you 13 month old with both hands in the crisco, yes I said crisco, and have it all over the floor and on the sleeves of her shirt!

Have you ever backed away and said "No no no don't touch me!" to your baby as she crawls, very quickly considering all the crisco on the floor, towards you?
Have you ever slipped on crisco while attempting to grab your baby and trying to wash off globs of it in the sink?

Has you ever had your 4 year old try to be the family photographer while you are washing the baby's hands?

Have you ever had a better morning?!!
haha! that's hilarious! hopefully it cleans up easily... :)
totally funny
I am cracking up! So funny. I love all the pictures too. What a fun way to start your day:)
Oh my gosh! Hysterical!!! She's so precious! When Zack did that, it was butter-flavored Crisco (in those little butter-like cubes)... and he fed some to Derek and the dog... who both got sick. :) Isn't being a mommy the BEST!?!?
haha that's gross. it's so hard to get clean too!
Oh my gosh....so yuck! Love that last picture of her, so cute!
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