I decided that I would reread Twilight in anticipation for seeing the movie on Friday because after reading the series it was hard to remember where exactly Twilight ended! So I gave myself a talk and told myself that I could read it if I didn't get tunnel vision this time! Usually when i read a book it is all I want to do so i wasn't going to do that this time, I was going to read it slow and enjoy the story! Well that didn't happen! I opened the book to the first page and before I knew it I was closing the back cover and putting it back on my bookshelf. My eyes slid over to New Moon and my fingers itched to read it. So I pulled that one down and read it-I couldn't help myself! Not reading the rest of the series was like watching half of a movie and turning it off! I couldn't stop in the middle of the whole story!! So now I am half way through Eclipse-kinda defeated the purpose of reading only Twilight right?! I put forth a concerted effort to not let everything fade into the background-I kept up with the dishes and laundry so that is good right?! Bryan on the other hand is never all that thrilled when I pick up a book! But thankfully he puts up with me while I read and I love him for that! However that being said he has this incredible annoying "Reading-Radar"! I can be reading through the low-impact part of a book in silence but as soon as I get to an excitingly-fantastically-gripping-switch-your-sitting-position-read-way-to-fast-and-have-to-reread-because-you-read-too-fast-with-anticipation-and-didn't-really-understand-what-you-read passage----he starts TALKING!!!
He asks me questions and how to spell things and telling me stories about things that happened at work and school! How does he do that?!! How does he know when I am getting to one of those points?! I really try to be calm and helpful especially when I am in the middle of a book that I have already read before but man! It drives me crazy! And the funny thing is is that his radar has no distance limit-I can be starting a good part and he will call-just because-which is really sweet and I love when he does that so I can't get mad at him!
Oh well I guess the reading radar is the price I have to pay if I want to read! But does it have to be so annoying? Isn't there a price I could pay that wouldn't interrupt me?!!
I haven't read the Twilight series, but I am afraid to start - given the serious addiction it sounds like it can become :)!!!
My kids have this same uncanny ability, only it extends to any time I might spend on the phone as well as reading. Nobody will talk to me for hours... then the phone rings, and suddenly 4 people need something only I can provide and they must have it NOW! Bizarre... :)
I know just what you're talking about! I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I've only read the first one so far, but I am very excited for the movie to come out this Friday. Hope all is well in Iowa!
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