Well since I still don't have my camera you will have to settle for pics from my phone! They aren't as good but will have to do!
First, after whining from all who know we got a dog, here is Zander! He is a very fun puppy, and very energetic and even though we are still working on the whole potty training thing that he really doesn't get everything is going pretty good!

Abby loves him and is willing to play provided he doesn't jump or nip at her-kinda narrows down the play time don't you think?!! Dylan is completely petrified of him and spends most of his time in his room with a gate in the doorway! Which is nice for me because I know he can't get into too much trouble in there!! If he does build up enough courage to come out and acknowledge Zander he is usually running from a doorway and on to the safety of the couch! He really isn't in to him! Lacey doesn't really care about Zander. He jumps on her and tugs on her clothes and most of the time she ignores him until her pushes him over. Her new favorite place is Zanders doggy bed. She thinks we got it for her and she tries to push him out whenever he is in it so she can sit or lay down on it!

Another thing I have been working on is redoing the living room. Since the shape of the living room doesn't lend itself to being rearranged I talked/told Bryan that we were repainting! I wanted something bright and happy so I found a beautiful yellow for the walls and a lighter shade for the ceiling. I love painting ceilings, to me it just finishes the room.

So while I was painting the carpet was really bothering me! I have really hated it for a while but was hesitant to take it up. It is an older carpet, soaks up anything that will leave a mark and just looks nasty!! it was gross when we moved in and really hasn't gotten any better so you guess it! I ask/told Bryan we were ripping up the carpet! And luck was on my side!! The floor was in pretty good condition with a very nice 70's pattern linoleum. While it isn't a pattern I would have ever ever picked it doesn't look half bad! It will do until we put in the wood floors that we really want! That was one of my selling points to Bryan to get the carpet up! I told him that now when we get the flooring we can just put it in and not have to worry about getting carpet up! He was just like "whatever". But he did say that he is glad that we took the carpet up and he likes it.

It really does open up the room! I am now working on redoing the kids rooms. I am way excited to do those now that I have finally gotten up enough courage to paint over the jungle stuff I painted on the walls and totally loved! So you have those pics to look forward to!!