Friday, March 6, 2009

My 2 Homes

Well I feel bad because I have a lot of fun pics that I want to get up but time has not been my friend! Bryan has taken my laptop for schoolwork, so I can't really be upset with him, so that has limited my computer time! I could have gone downstairs to use that "real" computer but it is ALOT slower and we don't have heat in the basement so it is REALLY cold after about 5 minutes! So all that and trying to get used to no papers it has been a little crazy! I am still trying to figure out how to sleep all night! I wake up 2 or 3 times in a panic to figure out what time it is until I remember that it doesn't matter! Talk about instant panic! I will be sleeping nicely then all of a sudden my eyes fly open, my heart starts going a mile a minute, I sit straight up, try and focus on the clock and then it hits me that I don't have to get up! Try calming down after that enough to go back to sleep! Kinda hard! We are on our way out to Ohio this weekend to pick up our puppy! It will be interesting! I am so excited to go to Ohio! I haven't been out there for forever! I love going home out there although I do have to say that Bryan hates it when I call Ohio home. He is always "You live out here now so this is your home". Well "duh!" , but I can have 2 homes!!! It might sound weird but I feel very comfortable out there and I like to be the one who drives when we get there! I know exactly where everything is and I have a couple roads that I love to drive on! I know it sounds kinds loopy! But even though I have been out here for 6 years it still scares me driving some places because I am not really sure where I am! Everything is much better in Ohio!!


Nicole said...

That's how I feel sometimes too, and I have to think about it before I say "home". Quinn hasn't made any comments, but I catch myself saying NJ is home before I do WA.

Jeanette said...

Hey! How long are you going to be in town? You should drive a little south and come see me. It is really only about 20-30 minutes away from your parent's house.
I always called Ohio home when I was living out west. Just the way it is. I know what you mean about driving in. I was always excited and wanted to be the one to drive the last leg.

Thomas Family said...

I totally get how you feel about "home". When I talk about home it is always in Utah. Now that we've moved to Cali though I see the good things in Iowa and often wish we were back there.