Saturday, June 27, 2009

Busy day!

This morning we had a primary activity. It turned out awesome and I think that all the kids had a good time! I had some things to get ready for it and of course ended up doing it late last night. I don't know why that happens but I always seem to be up the night before no matter how well I plan! We did a patriotic theme. You can see more of what we did and some pics on our primary blog. We had about 23 kids come and considering we only have around 30 that is a pretty good turn out! Dylan and Lacey enjoyed running around and not being in the house! They really shouldn't have been there since they are not old enough but Bryan had to be there too so they got to come hang out! We were actually able to have it outside since the heat broke alittle! The only bad thing was as the morning turn into afternoon and we were still outside it got HOT!!! By the time we got home after cleaning up and setting up for tomorrow I was totally wiped out! It is really fun to see Abby in primary. It is fun to watch her with all the other kids and how she interacts with them. I got to sub her class last sunday and that was very interesting! It was the first time I have been in her class and it was really I don't even know what the right word is, saying it was an eye opener sounds like it was bad, I guess it was more like shock that she is actually her own person and can go on without me! It kinda freaked me out alittle! It was weird!

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