Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lacey's Party!

We had some friends over to celebrate Lacey's birthday. It was tons of fun of course! We always have fun with the Butlers! Lacey was so funny when we went to sing to her she immediatly folded her arms because she thought we were going to say a prayer and looked around like why isn't anyone else doing this?! It was totally funny! She loved her presents, a TinkerBell and Rosetta dolls from us and a bag full of candy and some jammies from the Butlers. Jen, who I will get back some how one of these days, gives Lacey whatever she wants and whenever Lacey would hand her some more hershey kisses Jen would unwrap them and give them to her! Lace just kept cramming them into her mouth till she didn't have anymore room! Chocolate was just running out of her mouth and down her chin! In the goody bags all the kids got plastic vampire teeth and so of course we had to get everyone to pose for pics! Some were more willing than others but everyone was good sports about it!! Fun times! Happy b-day Lace! We love you!!

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