6 years ago
Friday, October 31, 2008
Catch Up!
First off HAPPY HALLOWEEN! It is my most favorite holiday! Not really sure why but I just LOVE it!
These past couple weeks have been really jam-packed so I haven't been able to post much so here goes!
Bryan's birthday was on wednesday so happy belated birthday wishes blog style to him!
He turned 30 so I threw him a suprise party that I had been planning for a very long time! It turned out so awesome! The best thing was that I actually suprised him which is really hard to do! He had no idea! Of course some white lies had to be told in order to pull off the suprise, I had to explain the sudden decision of my sister and her family to all of a sudden visit from Oklahoma and my parents from Ohio! The party was a Harry Potter theme and you might roll your eyes but HP is a big thing at out house, Abby even likes to listen to the books in the car! and it gives you so much to work with as far as party planning goes! I made badges and everyone was sorted into houses. I have a friend who has the sorting hat so I was able to borrow that to put the badges in! I have to give a huge thanks to Bryan's parents who planned the main game-Bill made mauraders map and a huge scavenger hunt outside all across the yard. Each group had their own map with an x and an arrow that they had to match up to a map at each of the 6 stations and it would tell them where they had to go next. How he kept them straight and going to different places I will never know! They collected lines to a riddle I made up and once they figured it out they had to go find what was there. It was awesome!
We also had our Primary Program a couple sundays ago. The kids were fantastic and Abby, being a new sunbeam and her first program was alittle timid but got up there and said her lines-loud and you could even understand them! I was so proud of her! She wasn't so sure about things during the rehearsals so I was alittle unsure of how she do-but pleasent surprise she did awesome! For the past couple years we have started doing an "after-party" for the kids as a thank you and a stress reliever! We did a survivor theme this year. I made a survivor logo for the primary program and made buff for all the kids (for you avid surivior fans who spy the mistake in the buff layout-I had it the right way but when I flipped the image to print on the transfers it went alittle wacky and obviously I didn't catch it!. When they came in we told them "You survived the program can you survive this?!" We had games and relays that all centered on the program and the songs they learned. They had a blast!
While my family was here we decided it would be fun to let the kids go trick-or-treat at the mall-in theory it sounded fun. We got in and I thought (I THOUGHT) Bryan was watching Abby and Dylan while I was putting Lacey's wings on, I got up and looked around and said "Where is Dylan?" It is amazing how incredibly quick shear panic can hit you. Byran said "I don't know" I was like "what do you mean "I don't know"?" I mean we had 5 kids and 6 adults! I started frantically turning and looking calling his name, trying not to start crying. We couldn't see him anywhere. I look at Bryan and he and Eric were laughing-they were laughing-not excatly good timing on their part. I mean really is my son being kidnapped a funny thing?! Then I hear my sister say "there he is". I almost sat down and cried. I know that might sound a little melodramtic but that mall was completly packed and he could have been anywhere because obviously noone was watching and knew when he took off! Anyway he was down the hall looking around, not the slightest bit worried and when my sister brought him back over he looked like "hey whats up" . Two-year olds.
We also had a trunk-or-treat at our church, which Bryan managed to lose Dylan after each trunk they went to! Dylan would come back to me after each trunk and try to get more candy and looking over his head you could see Bryan holding Lacey turning in a circle trying to figure out where he had gone! Good thing we were just in the parking lot!
So between planning for the Primary Program and party (forgot the camera), Bryan's party (camera died), cleaning for family to come, family coming, family bringing a flu bug that ran through 4 of the 5 kids and me (only adult to get it-what does that mean?!), cleaning up from the flu and all the Halloween fun around it has been limited down time! But it is good like that!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Kid Drama!
The kids had to have their iron checked today and if you can believe it Lacey, the 1 year old, was the best one!! Abby started crying the minute we walked in the room and that set Dylan off who was crying but didn't really know why. It was just a finger prick! Lacey didn't make a peep and only got mad when I was holding her hand so a band-aid could be put on it. Dylan was next and I had to pry his arms apart to get his done and then he just stood there and cried-loudly. Abby was off screaming in the corner of the room so I took the opportunity to talk to Dylan. I basically told him that there was no need for him to be screaming like that and I was sure his finger didn't even hurt anymore and don't scream just to scream and to please stop because the whole office didn't want to listen to him cry! So He stopped and started and then finally stopped and I moved onto Abby. By this time she was yelling "Let me out of this room" and was trying to crawl under the chairs so I couldn't get to her! I got her onto my lap and pulled her hand out so the lady, who was laughing, could stick her finger and get the sample which only took about 30 seconds! If I wasn't totally and completely embarrassed it would have been very hysterical!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Six Years Ago..
I am very thankful to have Bryan in my life. He can be maddening sometimes as any good husband can be but he does an awful lot for our family and I love him for it! He is an awesome dad and I love to watch him play and laugh with kids! Love you tons Bry, Happy Anniversary!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Who are you?!
I got this quiz from a friend and I must confess there were a couple questions that I had a hard time picking an answer so I took it twice! The first time it said I was Esme but I like the second result better so that is what I am posting!

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Washer spill over!
O.k. to make me feel even worse about not getting laundry done because the washer is broken-Abby decides to get sick! She decided to throw-up all over her blanket, which is the most important thing in the world to her and solves any problem. So we get her cleaned up and she looks at me with her big sad blue eyes and says "can you clean my blanket for me?" I felt so horrible! Here she totally doesn't feel good and running a high temp and all she wants to do is snuggle up with her blanket and can I clean it for her NO! Darn washer! So Nana to the rescue! My mother in law who is fantastic drove up to our house to get her stuff is going to wash it and bring it back tonight for her! What a lifesavor for both of us! It would not have been a very good night trying to get her to sleep with out the all important blanket! Thanks Jenny!
Darn Washers!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lacey's B-day Party!
We had Lacey's birthday party on saturday. It was alot of fun! We had just family over since it was conference weekend and we didn't want to take the opportunity to watch it away from them. We had pizza and fruit-two of Lacey's favs! The kids got to make silly faces on pumpkins with some "mr. potato" headish things I got. They all said it was fun so that was good! Then they chased each other around the yard with thier creations. It was pretty funny! We did cake and ice cream which of course Lacey loved! I made her her own cake. She really got into it although she didn't eat as much as I thought she would! She opened presents next and for those of you who have been lucky enough tho participate in a 1 year old's birthday party you know how absolutly thrilling this is! She really didn't care what was in the bags and boxes she was just trying to get back to the food! She got some much needed winter clothes so that was awesome! Thanks to all the fam for coming and having some fun!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Anyone up for a Challenge?!

A Cool Thing
O.k. I really should be doing the monday pick up because I have about a million things to do and really don't have time to be playing on the computer right now but I am! I found this way fun site where you can make a picture widget to post on your blog! It is called Good Widgets. It is totally free and totally fun! So you really should check it out! I have one on the side bar if you wanna see one!
Friday, October 3, 2008
I'm such a girl!
I was throwing papers this morning when a realization hit me-I was throwing like a girl! One hand would go out with the paper with my weight on one foot and my other foot goes up behind me in the air bent at the knee! Such a girl way to throw! What a nerd! Some how I just can't see Bryan throwing like that! Is anyone else afflicted with this?!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lacey vs. the cupcake
We had my mother-in-law Jenny and my sister-in-law Natalie and her two kids over for dinner tonight to help celebrate Lacey's birthday day, we are having her party party on sat. but I wanted to do something on her actual b-day! I made some cupcakes and let Lacey have a whole one and man she went after it and had a great time! When she was done she was reaching for Abbys and looking for more! So there you have it Lacey vs. the cupcake-you decide who won!
Lacey is 1!
Happy Birthday Lacey! It was one year ago today... just kidding I won't go in to that stuff!! But I will say that while we weren't expecting her to join our family quite as soon as she thought she should we have been very blessed to have her with us! Our first two kids were not really happy to be babies so when we found out Lacey was on the way I was alittle nervous plus well Dylan was only 8 months old. But she has been awesome, "very chill" as my sister put it! She is very go with the flow and happy most of the time. She laughs alot, which I love and it is fun to watch her personality start to shine through. She has a gleam in her eye that says "oh if only I could talk I have something to say and it is really funny!"! Happy Birthday Lace we love you!

Fall is in the Air!
I am not excited by the bone chilling temps we get here in the winter I am excited for the colder weather! It makes you want to break out some chicken noodle soup and some apple crisp! The hot chocolate can come out of hiding! But most of all the spiders have gone away and that means I don't have to walk through spiderwebs at 3 o'clock in the morning while I am walking up to doors and under trees delivering papers! Yea! It is not cool to get the creepy crawlies at 3 in the morning when it is dark and you can't actually see if something is on you! So I say come on Fall!
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