we were tying the knot in the
Nauvoo Temple! It was a very very cold and very windy but thankfully a bright and sunny day! It was seriously cold! Everyone was putting coats on between pictures! But the cold did nothing to dampen the exciting spirit of the day! It was a wonderful day and there isn't anything I would change about it! It was perfect! I was going through some of our pictures and it was hard to make myself narrow it down to a couple because they are just so much fun! I was lucky enough to have a friend take our engagement, wedding and reception pictures and because it was her first wedding she took tons and tons and tons of pictures! Which worked out for me because I don't think there is a minute that wasn't captured in a photo! We were able to be married in
Nauvoo the year it was opened. It will always be special to us because we have been able to spend so much time there together. We attended one of the dedication sessions while we were dating. It was funny because the session we were in was all about eternal marriage and families and we were sitting in a sealing room! We were also able to go do a couple sessions on dates before we got married and Bryan purposed outside the temple too. So I always have a couple flashbacks that make me smile when ever we go down there!
I am very thankful to have Bryan in my life. He can be maddening sometimes as any good husband can be but he does an awful lot for our family and I love him for it! He is an awesome dad and I love to watch him play and laugh with kids! Love you tons Bry, Happy Anniversary!!
I am very glad you have Bryan!! and yes- they can be maddening- but that just makes it sweeter when they do do the right thing!! Happy Anniversary you two!!!
Hey- I tried to leave a comment on the winston's thingy and it wouldn't let me- so give her my email and info!!
Wow! 6 years. I'm glad you went through it first. I gave me enough courage to do it a month later :)
that's so cute. i love hearing those kinds of stories
Happy Anniversary!
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