Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Adventures Outside

After naptime we went outside to play since it was absolutly beautiful! Right before we walk outside Abby tells me that Dylan opened his window in his room and was throwing stuff out the window! Dylan pipes up with "I can't reach it mom its to far away". So we go outside and sure enough there is a pile of stuff that Dylan had cpushed the screen out and chucked stuff out his window!! I mean come on!!! (pay no attention to the door to the basement! we are getting rid of that nasty wood thing and getting something new!)
Lacey discovered how to climb up the slide today by herself!! She climbs up, turns around and then slides down all by herself! She was very proud of herself! O.k. I have a video but I am having a little difficulty with getting it uploaded but hopefully I can get it soon because it is really cute!


Rebecca said...

OMG!! Hilerious!! It's those days that they should have taken a nap so that you don't snap!! Yikes! Way to take a picture and blog it instead!! LOL

the dahle family said...

Good to hear from you! What a funny story about your son. I'm sure you didn't think it was so funny at the time but it will provide for so good stories in the future! Katie