Well Happy December everyone!! I have been a little m.i.a. lately, I have bronchitis again and it has really been kicking my butt!! This round has lasted 3 weeks and counting. Totally not cool. But at least my energy is up so I can actually get some stuff done like get all the Christmas decor up. That has been nice! I know this pic is blurry but they are all smiling so nicely!! It is hard to get a pic of Dylan where he is smiling a good smile-here is the in-focus pic for comparrison! You choose! lol!!

I usually make the girl's Christmas dresses but being sick this year and with the horrible boys I babysit I just didnt have the time or the energy to do it so I found them some super cute ones at Target! If you know me then you know that everything has to match and coordinate well while I was out shopping I ran into a matching problem. Noone has girl dresses that cooridinate with the boy sunday stuff! They were completly different shades or just different colors altogether!! It drove me nuts!! So I just had to suck it up and deal with it this year-but I wasnt happy about it!
We celebrate St. Nicholaus Day at our house. It is a tradition my family picked up when I was little and living in Germany and something I have carried with in my own little family. The kids totally love it! They were way excited to put out thier shoes and to see what they got in the morning. I kept asking them if they were good enough for a toy or if they thought they were going to get sticks. Abby and Dylan both assured me that they were good enough for toys!!
I guess they were good enough for a littel something fun.....this time!!
1 comment:
hope you get better soon!
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