6 years ago
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well I have been tagged-thanks alot Miriam! So I will be a good sport and do it!
8 Favorite TV show....
1. Big Brother
2. Survivor
3. Amazing Race
4. America's Next Top Model
5. Gilmore Girls
6. So You Think You Can Dance
7. Iron Chef
8. Food network Challenges
8 Favorite Restaurants....
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Applebees
3. Subway
4. The Olive Garden
5. Don Pablos
6.Mongolian Grill
7. Pizza Hut
8. Hy-Vee Chinese
8 Things that happened Yesterday....
1. Cleaned the house
2. Did the dishes
3. Worked on my Halloween village
4. Made dinner
5. Went to the store
6. Planed Lacey b-day party
7. Talked to family
8. Watched a movie
8 Things to look forward to....
1. No more diapers
2. No more formula
3. Halloween
4. Fall
5. My Anniversary
6. Bryan being done with school
7. My sister visiting
8. No more delivering papers!
8 things I love about fall....
1. Halloween
2. leaves changing colors
3. smells
4. making applesauce
5. carving pumpkins
6. chicken noodle soup
7. playing in the leaves
8. watching my kids play in the leaves
8 things on my wishlist....
1. My sister living closer
2. clean house all the time
3. a home chef
4. a 2 yr old who listens!
5. new carpet
6. a new deck
7. more date nights with Bryan
8. more hours in the day!
8 people I tag...
1. Jen H.
2. Jen B.
3. Erin W.
4. Katie M.
5. Dara
6. Maggie
7. Tara
8. Jeanette
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Holiday Change
Well as you can see I decided to change the look for October! I wasent really sure I wanted to because once I find something I like I usually keep it as is for a long time! I kinda like things to stay the same! But since Halloween is my total FAVORITE I went ahead and did a switch-er-roo!
"We are too little"
We have been working on taking reponsibility for your own messes because some kids in this house like to have fun but hate to clean it up! Anyway Abby and Dylan were playing with some puzzles and the rule is get one and then put it away before you get another one out. I thought it was pretty simple. well they decided to play with a couple of them at the same time and had quite the pile of pieces. So I told them it was time for them to pick them up. Oh my gosh the drama that came after that! Dylan is in his own little two year old world so he really didn't pay much attention to me at all. Abby started crying and said to me "This mess is too big and we are too little. We need help" Bryan's reply was "If you are big enough to make a big mess than you are big enough to pick it up!" Go Bryan! She didn't like that as you can imagine! I got Dylan to pick up part of the mess so all that was left was what was saved for Abby. But being tired and grumpy the crying and drama continued until I finally told her that it was time for bed. Well she didn't want to got to bed so that caused another whole round. I told her "I am sorry that you have to go to bed early but you don't have control of yourself so maybe tomorrow you will be able to have better control and be happier" she was like "o.k." and pretty much went in and went to sleep. Cross your fingers that sleep does her good!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The meaning of a "favorite"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Abby quotes movies!
I put on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the other day while I was cleaning. Abby and Dylan were running around would watch a minute or two and then run back and play in the play room. I walked back past the door to the playroom to put something away and I heard Dylan talking and the Abby said, quite forcefully, "Don't call me Nymphadora!" I totally started laughing! Of all the lines to pick out that is the one she says. She also walks around casting pretend spells! I think her favorite is Expecto Patronum, she likes to yell it really loud! As you can guess we are a little Harry Potter crazy at our house!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sleepy boy!
I was going through our trip pics and just had to show this one! Poor Dylan! All the kids had played long and hard at Aunt Sarah's house. We sat down to eat and Dylan was pretty energetic, sat down and ate a few bites. Then he got down and I asked him if he was done and he said yes and went and sat on the couch. I went to look at him seriously 2 minutes later and his eyelids would fall and then shoot open and he was sliding down sideways. It was so funny! Then he couldnt open his eyes and he slide down down down. I picked him up to put him in bed and he didn't even flinch or wake up! He slept for about 13 hours and woke up in a fantastic mood! I wish I could sleep for that long and have people happy about it!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Loggin hours in the car!
Last week I was able to visit my sister down in Oklahoma. It was a total blast! I think one of the things I liked most was being able to sleep all night! I know that sounds sad but with having the paper routes I don't think I have slept a full night in about two years! Anyway the drive from my house to hers is between 11 and 12 hours which of course no one, meaning Bryan and my parents, were really all that excited about my driving by myself with 3 kids! So after much prodding my Dad made the right choice and came with me. So here is where it gets fun, my Dad lives in Ohio so he drove out with my brother so I met them half-way (about 3 and 1/2 hour drive one way) picked up my dad and drove back home and then the next morning we got up and left for OK! The Kids were completely awesome in the car! Poor things put in about 18 hours in the car in two days!
Abby and Luxie were so cute when they saw each other! They haven't seen each other in over a year but the ran to each other and gave each other a big hug. Considering we had 5 kids ages 4,3,2,18 months and 11 months they all got along really well and the squabbles were spread out so that was nice!
My Dad felt sorry for me and was nice enough to detail my car while we were down there. And I mean detail-cleaning, vacuuming, shampooing the whole shebang! I seriously don't think there was a spot anywhere on that car that was not wiped with some cleaner and a rag! It looks awesome! So a huge THANK YOU! to you Dad! He also was nice enough to put up the kids bugging him through out his project. Mostly Dylan looking for some guy time!
While we were down there I celebrated my birthday. We took the kids to the zoo which let me tel you is ALOT bigger than the one we have here! Abby and Dylan had fun seeing all the animals that we don't have here and my sister Sarah almost got peed on by a Rhino! I don't think many people can say that! We dressed the kids up and attempted to take some pics there too. That wasn't too successful but they were good while we were trying! Thanks again to Dad for being patient when we would stop and take a million pics! The funny thing was after all our trying to get a fun pic at the zoo we got a great one in the park across the street from Sarah's house the next day!
After the zoo, lunch and with the kids down for a nap my Dad treated my sister and I to manicures! It was a first for both of us and we had a lot of fun! Thanks Dad for letting us go and holding down the fort and to Sarah for spending my birthday with me and making my most favorite cake!
It was so much fun just to do nothing and let the kids play. They were able to be outside alot and they loved every minute of it!
After all the fun we had to head back home which ended up being in rain the WHOLE time! So that was stupid! Then the next day my Dad and I left to meet my Mom half-way to hand my Dad off! Thankfully Bryan was able to stay home with the kids. I just couldn't make them get back in the car! But my mother in law Jenny was nice enough to go with me so I wouldn't have to drive by myself! Thanks Jenny!
I think that about covers the trip in a nutshell but I will leave you with a super funny story! My niece Luxie likes to use words that just sound funny coming from a 3 year old! We were at the zoo and she says "this zoo is incredible!" We were eating dinner and we told the kids that when they were all done eating we would go to the park. Everyone finished except for Luxie and she just sat there staring at her burrito. Here is our conversation:
Me-"Luxie eat your burrito so we can go to the park"
L- "Aunt Allison this is disgusting to me"
Me-"You haven't even taken a bite"
L- "well I don't like it"
Me-"just eat it"
L-as she points to the burrito "there is poop in here"
Me-trying not to laugh "Luxie it is beans you have them all the time"
L- "no this is poop"
Me- "No it isn't! Do you want to go to park?"
L- "yes"
Me-" Then you need to eat"
L-"well how about I take it outside so the birds can have it?"
Me-"why don't you pretend to be a bird and eat it"
L-"well, I don't like it"
As you might have guessed she is stubborn and ended up taking a few bites and that was it. It was just so funny!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Let's Dance!
Abby had her first dance class today! She is getting so big! She absolutly loved it! I dropped Dylan and Lacey off at a friends house so I could take her by herself for the first class. We got there alittle early because she needed to get sized for her tap shoes which fortunatly they had in stock! We had a talk in the car about listening to the teacher and doing the things that she asks you to do. We also talked about how dance class is not scary and it will be tons of fun! I was alittle afraid that she wouldn't want to go in the studio by herself or that she would have a shy moment and start crying! But she was awesome! She went right in and they got started. They shut the doors and the parents were able to watch through the mirror. I was really funny because you could totally tell what they were telling the girls to do because Abby followed exactly what they said to do. If they told them to stand on the piece of tape on the floor she stood directly on the piece of tape! Here are a coupke of pictures they arent very good because they were through the mirrior and I was afraid to use the flash! So they are what they are!
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