Thursday, February 12, 2009

A hair milestone

For the last year Abby has been talking about and begging to have long hair. Now anyone who knows her or has seen her hair knows that this could be a trial! She has the curliest hair, seriously it is tight curls! I have always kept it a little short just for convenience for me. I mean I am the one taking care of it! It is really hard to comb out and as a result we go through A LOT of detangler!! It is our best friend! Anyway I cut her hair every so often and have probably cut close to about 8 inches all together. It is just so much easier to deal with when it is short! Well since she saw Enchanted she has wanted long hair like Giselle. She talks about it all the time so I got talked into trying to let it grow out. We thought that maybe if it got longer it would weigh it down since whenever I cut it it springs into tighter curls, well this hasn't really worked!! When it is wet it hangs down between her shoulder blades but when it dries it springs back up to the middle of her neck!! Totally crazy! So anyway with it getting longer I thought she should be introduced to the world of french braids! And lo and behold it worked! Now I have to admit that my braiding skill are a little rusty and I am used to dealing with my own straight hair. Curls just add another difficulty to the whole process! But she loved them!

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