Bryan's family has always done fondue on Christmas Eve and this year we were able to have it at our house. Bill (Bryan's Dad) learned to make it on his mission and does a fantastic job every year! This is year to my surprise Abby and Dylan actually tried it and liked it! after we ate we played a Christmas carol board game that Jenny (Bryan's Mom) brought, where you have sing the next line of a song or guess song titles and that kind of thing. We played boys against girls and it actually came down to the roll of the die because you have to have the exact number to make it to the final square. The girls won in case you were wondering!
One of the presents was a box of dress-up stuff. I went after Halloween and bought a ton of costumes when they all went on clearance! I even remembered to get some "boy" things! I didn't think Bryan would appreciate his son running around in princess stuff!
(10 pts if you can identify the movie playing!)
Abby was excited about her Lemon Meringue doll. She saw it when we were at the store and of course there was only one left so I told that we were buying it for her cousin and maybe her cousin would get one for her! She was all for it! My mom told me that Christmas lies don't count against you! She better be right!
Christmas afternoon was spent at Bill and Jenny's house. We had a super delicious ham dinner with all the extra! Bill has a train around the tree that the kids can control and make the horn blow-Dylan was completely engrossed!
Jenny found a Christmas karaoke cd and thought that would be fun. We got Bryan and his brother Kris up at the mic. It was hilarious! Now I will say that the key of the song and the accompaniment did make them a little difficult to sing but oh my gosh!!! Take a listen and see what you think!!
The evening ended with a round of Rock Band which seems to be the way every family gathering ends these days!
It was a very nice fun-exciting-on-the-relaxing-side-of-things kind of day!